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Hoover Steam Fresh Combi 2 In 1 Steam Mop And Handheld With 10 Piece Accessory Kit 0.26L 1600W HS86-SFC-M - White
The steam detergent formula efficiently breaks down grime, leaving a fresh, clean scent in its wake
399 نفاد الكمية

Hoover Steam Fresh Combi 2 In 1 Steam Mop And Handheld With 10 Piece Accessory Kit 0.26L 1600W HS86-SFC-M - White

Hoover Steam Fresh Combi 2 In 1 Steam Mop And Handheld With 10 Piece Accessory Kit 0.26L 1600W HS86-SFC-M - White
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Hoover Steam Fresh Combi 2 In 1 Steam Mop And Handheld With 10 Piece Accessory Kit 0.26L 1600W HS86-SFC-M - White

The steam detergent formula efficiently breaks down grime, leaving a fresh, clean scent in its wake

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Warranty: This product holds 1 Year of warranty within UAE from the date of purchase.

Key Features:

  • 10-Piece Accessory Kit: Effortlessly tackle various cleaning tasks around your home with the included accessory kit. From floors to above-the-floor surfaces, this kit empowers you to clean ovens, taps, tiles, kitchen surfaces, hobs, grout, windows, and more with ease.
  • Variable Steam Control: Adapt the steam power of your cleaner to different floor types or surfaces using the HS86SFCM's variable steam functionality. It’s perfect for penetrating stubborn grime, ensuring a thorough clean tailored to your needs.
  • Steam + Detergent Power: Combine the effectiveness of steam with Hoover Detergent for an extra punch against dirt and stains. The steam detergent formula efficiently breaks down grime, leaving a fresh, clean scent in its wake.
  • Quick and Convenient: Get started in less than 30 seconds! The Steam Fresh Combi HS86-SFC-M swiftly heats up, providing 12 minutes of cleaning time and leaving floors and surfaces dry within minutes, making your cleaning routine faster and more efficient.
  • Compact Scrub Brush: Enjoy the convenience of a built-in compact scrubber brush that effortlessly targets tough stains on floors and grout, ensuring a thorough and spotless clean every time

Product Description:
Hoover handheld vacuum cleaner has many built-in features for a thorough floor clean. This Hoover steam mop provides a comfortable one-hand hold. The Hoover HS86 SFC M Steam Fresh Combi Vacuum Cleaner is a two-in-one machine that switches functions with the touch of a button. It cleans hard floors with steam and detergent to efficiently remove stubborn dust particles while leaving a fresh smell behind. It includes 10 pieces of accessories that are all you need to keep your entire house clean daily. This machine stores its multiple attachments in its surprisingly slim and portable body.

Brand - Hoover
Type - Vacuum Cleaner
Wattage - 1600W
Product Capacity - 0.26L
Solution Tank Capacity - 0.2L
Heat up Time - 20s
Steam time - 15min
Variable steam power - Yes
Reach - 8m
Product Dimensions - 22.4 x 28.6 x 65.4 cm
Product weight - 3.7kg

Items included in the Package:
1 Vaccum Cleaner
1 Detergent
1 Triangular floor head
1 Cooling tray
1 Carpet glider
1 Concentration nozzle
1 Grout brush
1 Hose and handle
1 Large plastic brush
1 Metal brush
1 Scraper tool
1 Small plastic brush
1 Tool storage bag
1 Window tool
1 Window tool cloth

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Hoover Steam Fresh Combi 2 In 1 Steam Mop And Handheld With 10 Piece Accessory Kit 0.26L 1600W HS86-SFC-M - White   د.إ 399  

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