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Kinder Valley Snoozie Bedside Crib - Storm Grey
4.8/5 4
0 Months+, product dimensions L 99 x B 56.5 x H 82cm, Breathable side mesh panel with two zips
549 في المخزون

Kinder Valley Snoozie Bedside Crib - Storm Grey

Kinder Valley Snoozie Bedside Crib - Storm Grey
4 التقييمات 4 التعليقات
4.8 (4 التقييمات) 4 التعليقات
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Kinder Valley Snoozie Bedside Crib - Storm Grey

0 Months+, product dimensions L 99 x B 56.5 x H 82cm, Breathable side mesh panel with two zips

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Key Features:

  • Breathable side mesh panel with two zips
  • Easily attached to bed with straps
  • Breathable & permeable polyester fabric
  • Six adjustable height positions
  • Secure and sturdy aluminium legs
  • Travel bag included for ease of transportation

Product Description:

The Kinder Valley Bedside Crib enables any parent to have their little one by their side through the night in a safe, sturdy and enclosed environment without being in the same bed. The bedside crib makes it easier than ever to look after your little one, with six adjustable height positions the baby crib can lowered depending on the height of the adult bed to find the optimum position. With a mesh side panel incorporated on the sleeping side of the parent, you’ll be able to keep a watchful eye on your little one, as well as helping to provide air circulation around your baby’s body, helping to aid regulate body temperate. The side mesh panel is also ideal for night time feeding, with two zips and straps that can be attached to your bed, the panel can easily be lowered from the comfort of your own bed, helping to reduce disruption and stress throughout the night cycle and creating the perfect co-sleeping environment. This baby side sleeper also comes with a storage caddy which is situated directly underneath the crib. The storage compartment is big enough to house all the essentials that any new parent could need throughout the day and night such as bottles, swaddles, nappies and wipes. The storage compartment is attached securely and firmly to the sturdy aluminium legs.The crib is made from our high quality polyester fabric, which is breathable and permeable, allowing air to circulate on those hot sticky days or warmth on those cold winter nights. The crib comes in our cool misty jade green which would suit any baby nursery or bedroom. Whether in the comfort of your own home or on a holiday trip, the bedside crib is easy to assemble and dissemble and includes a travel bag, making it easy to transfer and store in different locations.


Brand - Kinder Valley
Type - Crib

Age - 0 Months+

Product Dimensions - L 99 x B 56.5 x H 82cm

Items included in the package:

1 Crib

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Kinder Valley Snoozie Bedside Crib - Storm Grey   د.إ 549  

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سهلة وسريعة
(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

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ملاحظة: الرجاء التأكد من إدخال التفاصيل الصحيحة.

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