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Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer 9.5L 2470W AF400ME - Black
6 cooking ways, 2 independent cooking zones, sync & match functions, non slip feet, digital control panel, auto adjust fan
1043.83 نفاد الكمية

Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer 9.5L 2470W AF400ME - Black

Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer 9.5L 2470W AF400ME - Black
 القائمة المختصرة
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Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer 9.5L 2470W AF400ME - Black

6 cooking ways, 2 independent cooking zones, sync & match functions, non slip feet, digital control panel, auto adjust fan

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Warranty: This product holds 1 Year Standard warranty from the date of purchase.

Key Features:

  • Ways to Cook - There are 6 ways to cook in this, max crisp, roast, bake, reheat, dehydrate and air fry
  • Temperature Controls - Variable temperature controls let you make every snack and meal just how you like it
  • Auto Adjust Fan - The innovative auto adjust fan automatically changes speeds based on the cooking function selected
  • Easy to Clean - Washing up is easy thanks to non stick, dishwasher safe parts

Product Description:

2 Independent Cooking Zones
Cook 2 different foods with different temperatures, times and settings in 2 separate cooking drawers – and have both ready to serve at exactly the same time using the SYNC feature.


With the SYNC feature you can cook two different foods using different times, temperatures and programs – both are ready to serve at the same time!


Cooking for extra guests or feeding the whole family? Use the MATCH feature to double your serving size, with the same cooking program and time across both drawers.

Air Fry

Enjoy guilt-free fried favourites using little to no oil. From delicious chicken wings, fish and chips, burgers and sausages to tasty fajitas, sweet potato fries and chunky chips. How does air frying work? Super-hot air is evenly circulated around food to remove excess moisture and give it a delicious golden finish.

Max Crisp

Cook from frozen to crispy in minutes. Temperatures of 240°C evenly cook and crisp your favourite frozen foods. From breaded scampi and chicken nuggets to golden French fries, onion rings and more. Perfect for quick, delicious dinners.


Not just for Sundays, enjoy your favourite roast meat, fish and vegetables any day of the week. From a roast chicken, salmon fillets, golden chicken breasts and roast pork chops with crispy crackling to fluffy roast potatoes, balsamic-roasted tomatoes and sweet potato hash.


Easily cook pasta bakes with a crispy topping. Enjoy freshly-baked bread and homemade sweet treats, from muffins and brownies to cakes and cookies.


Create delicious dried fruit snacks, from apple to mango, banana to pineapple. Enjoy homemade vegetable crisps, beef jerky, and even make your own dried herbs.


Restore leftovers to that delicious fresh-out-of-the-oven finish, perfect for reviving leftover pizza, quiche, spring rolls and more.


Brand - Ninja
Type - Air Fryer 

Features to Look Out For:

Dishwasher Safe Components - Yes

2 Independent Cooking Zones - Yes

Digital Control Panel - Yes

6 Cooking Ways - Yes

Variable Temperature Controls - Yes

Countdown Timer - Yes

Large Capacity - Yes

Sync Function - Yes

Match Function - Yes

Preset Functions - Yes

Non Slip Feet - Yes

Auto Adjust Fan - Yes

Technical Specifications: 

Watts - 2470W

Product Capacity - 9.5L

Product Weight - 8.8kg

Product Dimensions - L 27 x B 41.5 x H 32.5cm

Items included in the package:

1 Air Fryer
2 Non Stick Drawers

2 Non Stick Crisper Plates

1 Instruction Booklet
1 Inspiration Guide

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Ninja Foodi Max Dual Zone Air Fryer 9.5L 2470W AF400ME - Black   د.إ 1043.83 د.إ 1099 (5.02% خصم)

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سهلة وسريعة
(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على هذا المنتج

الحقول الإلزامية (*) مطلوبة ليتم ملؤها.

ملاحظة: الرجاء التأكد من إدخال التفاصيل الصحيحة.

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يُعد متجر FirstCry.AE ∼ من أكبر المتاجر للأطفال وجهة تسوق شاملة عبر الإنترنت لمنتجات الأطفال والرضّع والأمومة وبطاقة المرور الخاصة بك للوصول إلى نصائح وأدوات متخصصة حول الأمومة وتربية الأطفال والحمل. بغض النظر عن العمر، لدينا كل ما تحتاجينه من لحظة أول بكاء لطفلك! للتسوق من مجموعة واسعة من منتجات الأطفال والرضّع والأمومة، تفضلوا بزيارة صفحات الفئات لدينا لمستلزمات الأطفال، وملابس الرضّع، وملابس الأطفال، والأحذية، والألعاب، والعناية بالبشرة، والأمهات والأمومة، وأثاث الحضانة، وصحة الطفل وسلامته، و أكثر. &نسخة 2010 -2024 www.FirstCry.ae. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. يمكن عرض هذا الموقع بشكل أفضل بدقة عرض 1024 وما فوق.
