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Waytoplay Ring road - Multicolour
3 Years +, Product Dimension L 27 x B 14.5 x H 4 cm, Enhances eye-hand development & motor skills
186.32 في المخزون

Waytoplay Ring road - Multicolour

Waytoplay Ring road - Multicolour
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Waytoplay Ring road - Multicolour

3 Years +, Product Dimension L 27 x B 14.5 x H 4 cm, Enhances eye-hand development & motor skills

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وصف المنتج

The affordable waytoplay Ringroad is a great toy for imaginative play. Watch your children create their very own circuits and road maps for their favourite toys and vehicles.The 12 piece set provides a basic introduction to waytoplay. You can always add and expand your road by purchasing additional sets.The flexible rubber road is great indoors or outdoors as it can be laid out on almost any surface. This flexible road is also wipe clean perfect. Waytoplay road segments are made of 100% child safe and child friendly, durable, hygienic rubber compound. They conform to the highest European EN-71 norm for toys. All resources used are sourced in Germany. That means it’s local, reliable, certified and registered.Before your child goes on an adventure, the road segments have enjoyed a road trip of their own. To ensure to high safety and quality standards we control the entire production process ourselves. We only work with partners we know and trust. The road segments are made and shaped in Germany after which the all important road markings are added in The Netherlands. Because we have embraced the ‘impact first’ approach, we have teamed up with a sheltered employment provider, that provides work for people with little access to the regular labour market. With great care, attention and dedication they add the road markings to both sides of the road segments. Last, but not least, our packaging is fully recyclable.Waytoplay offers fun without wires, wi-fi or screens. We believe in the creative force of children. With your child in the driving seat, the road segments let the imagination pave the way to adventure. There are no maps and the toy road can be expanded endlessly for a never ending adventure.‘Why don’t your sets include maps or designs for tracks?’ our customers sometimes ask. Our answer is simple: we do that on purpose. We believe that there are no rules, no standards for how to play with our toys. Any is way is your Waytoplay.The rich creativity and imagination in any child is best stimulated with ‘open ended’ toys. Toys that have no set goal, target or result.

Key Features:

  • Flexible, durable road toy, 170cm length
  • 8 curves, 2 straights, 1 intersection and 1 roundabout.
  • Expand your road by purchasing additional sets later
  • Can be used on almost any surface, inside or outside
  • Easy to connect parts
  • Encourages imaginative play
  • Great to combine with other toys


Brand - Waytoplay

Type - Race Track

Age - 3 Years+

Product Dimensions - L 27 x B 14.5 x H 4 cm

Items Included In the Package:

1 Waytoplay Ring Road Set

معرّف المنتج:58134aecd7597

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Waytoplay Ring road - Multicolour   د.إ 186.32 د.إ 215 (13.34% خصم)

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وأكمل دفعاتك المتبقية خلال 3 أشهر
لماذا اختار تمارا كوسيلة دفع؟
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بدون فوائد
Tamara Cart
بدون رسوم
Tamara Cart
سهلة وسريعة
(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على هذا المنتج

الحقول الإلزامية (*) مطلوبة ليتم ملؤها.

ملاحظة: الرجاء التأكد من إدخال التفاصيل الصحيحة.

لن يتم طباعة أي وجوه ضاحكة تعبيرية.

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