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Al Haish Al Milad Lil Sarthan - 786 Pages
786 Pages, This book is ‎to serve as a road map for the journey ahead of the reader with respect with lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk
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Al Haish Al Milad Lil Sarthan - 786 Pages

Al Haish Al Milad Lil Sarthan - 786 Pages
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Al Haish Al Milad Lil Sarthan - 786 Pages

786 Pages, This book is ‎to serve as a road map for the journey ahead of the reader with respect with lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk

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Key Features:

  • The book will provide interesting research reading time for adult
  • In collaboration with Dr. Alison Jeffries, wife and partner author of Dr. Lorenzo Quinn,
  • In developing a progressive plan for the book The Anti-Cancer Living, the authors present a comprehensive plan based on ‏scientific evidence
  • To make changes in lifestyle to improve health
  • It reduce risk of cancer, and help control the disease. ‏ ‎
  • The book begins to approach the general picture of cancer and prepares the reader to play a role in his own health

Product Description:

In collaboration with Dr. Alison Jeffries, wife and partner author of Dr. Lorenzo Quinn, in developing a progressive plan for the book The Anti-Cancer Living, the authors present a comprehensive plan based on ‏ scientific evidence, for lifestyle changes that improve health, ‏ reduce risk of cancer, and help control the disease. ‏ ‎ the book begins to approach the general picture of cancer and prepares the reader to play a role in his own health, ‏ whether he or she has cancer or not, continues to evoke stories and inspirational testimonies, concludes with proven recommendations with scientific evidence for adopting the six anti-cancer columns, or what the authors call the most important chapters working together against cancer. This ‏ looking at all these (lifestyle) factors: Physical activity, the quality of sleep, the environment and ‏ of what he calls the mix of six, we will all have the ability to influence ‏ risk and survival opportunities. ‎ This book is aimed at educating all those who are currently suffering from cancer, and everyone who has so far been ‏ lucky and hasn't had cancer, and explains how changing daily habits can bring great ‏ benefits to health, and it shows that reducing the likelihood of disease is open to all if we begin to view our life choices as affecting our health. Living against cancer ‏ is inexpensive, has the potential to significantly impact health without any harmful side effects, ‏ and its benefits are priceless. ‎This book is ‎ to serve as a road map for the journey ahead of you, how ‏ as individuals can work in conjunction with scientists and doctors to support our own health while new discoveries are ‏. Cumulative research suggests a clear link between lifestyle and good ‏, and the authors share scientific evidence along with the stories of cancer survivors to help spread this science. Of course, everyone has a special and ‏ journey with the disease, but what is certain is that the cumulative result of the research published in this ‏ book points to a clear path forward


Brand - Arab Scientific Publishers,Inc,Sal

Title - Al Haish Al Milad Lil Sarthan

Type - Read & Learn

Number of Pages - 786

Language - Arabic

Format - Paperback

Author - Dr. Alison Jeffries, Dr. Lorenzo Quinn

Publisher - Arab Scientific Publishers

Items Included in the Package:

1 Book

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Al Haish Al Milad Lil Sarthan - 786 Pages   د.إ 99.75  

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سهلة وسريعة
(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على هذا المنتج

الحقول الإلزامية (*) مطلوبة ليتم ملؤها.

ملاحظة: الرجاء التأكد من إدخال التفاصيل الصحيحة.

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