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Misoun Waldmiah Minal Qathan - 16 Pages
16 Pages, This his beautiful work is enjoyable to read and gives the reader peace and inspiration
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Misoun Waldmiah Minal Qathan - 16 Pages

Misoun Waldmiah Minal Qathan - 16 Pages
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Misoun Waldmiah Minal Qathan - 16 Pages

16 Pages, This his beautiful work is enjoyable to read and gives the reader peace and inspiration

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Key Features:

  • The Author Book Mason and the Cotton Doll and the author of 3 another books.
  • Aida Samih Al-Saidi received a Bachelor's degree in Media from the Lebanese University in 1983, 
  • She has a Master's in Education from the Jesuit University in 1997, and a Doctorate in Education in 2004 from Newport University.
  • She has published many articles in the field of educational research

Product Description 

Maysoon and Aman are two twelve-year-old girls who study together in a class. Maysoon lives in a modest house with her mother who works as a cotton weaver and makes the most beautiful clothes and toys. As for her friend Aman, she lives in a luxurious house and has the most beautiful clothes and a beautiful blonde doll. One day, Aman invited Mason and her friends to celebrate her birthday, and put out her twelve candles. When the celebration ended, Mason's mind was occupied with nothing but the luxurious house, the red velvet dress that Aman wore, and the blonde doll wishing to be in her friend's place. At the ceremony, Aman's mother admires the cotton dress that Maysoon wore and the cotton bag that she presented to Aman as a gift on her birthday, so she decided to contact the latter's mother and express her desire to buy a number of them for her foreign friends because it is a work of art of great mastery and beauty. For her daughter and the bag for Aman, and promises to fulfill Aman's mother's wish after the next cotton harvest. As a result, a friendship develops between the two families and the two girls spend the most beautiful times in a place called the Land of White Gold, which is a cotton grove that resembles "girl's yarn", where Mason and Aman played together in a field Cotton and helped the workers to harvest, hoping to meet again.


Brand - Arab Scientific Publishers Inc Sal

Title - Misoun Waldmiah Minal Qathan

Type - Story Book

Number of Pages - 16

Language - Arabic

Format - Paperback 

Author - Aida Samih Al Saidi

Publisher - Arab House of Sciences Publishers

Items Included in the Package:

1 Book

معرّف المنتج:9650fae519961

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Misoun Waldmiah Minal Qathan - 16 Pages   د.إ 21  

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قسمها حتى 4 دفعات

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أكمل دفعاتك المتبقية وفقًا لطريقة الدفع التي اخترتها
لماذا اختار تمارا كوسيلة دفع؟
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بدون فوائد
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بدون رسوم
Tamara Cart
سهلة وسريعة
(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على هذا المنتج

الحقول الإلزامية (*) مطلوبة ليتم ملؤها.

ملاحظة: الرجاء التأكد من إدخال التفاصيل الصحيحة.

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