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Moon Rover Baby/Infant Car seat of 360 Degree Rotate - Grey
4.0/5 1
0 to 12 Months, Product Dimensions L 42 x B 44 x H 62 cm, Provide the maximum safety & comfort
450.36 في المخزون

Moon Rover Baby/Infant Car seat of 360 Degree Rotate - Grey

Moon Rover Baby/Infant Car seat of 360 Degree Rotate - Grey
1 التقييم 1 التعليق
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Moon Rover Baby/Infant Car seat of 360 Degree Rotate - Grey

0 to 12 Months, Product Dimensions L 42 x B 44 x H 62 cm, Provide the maximum safety & comfort

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The Moon Rover is classified for 'semi-universal' use and is suitable for fixing into almost every car. This unique car seat is equipped with an adjustable headrest, harness straps, an ISOFIX system and a 360° rotation. It is important to note that the child seat is not to be used where an active front air bag is installed. The car seat can be used for children up to the age of 12, making it highly efficient and the perfect investment in your child's long term safety. Adjustable headsrest lever- The headrest lever can be found under the headrest cover. With this unique feature, you can pull the headrest lever to the correct position. Press the harness adjusting and pull both harness straps forward to create slack. Note that the headrest should be leveled as such that the shoulder straps are at level with your little one's shoulders. Upto 360° car seat rotation- The rotation button found at the bottom of the car seat, allows you to rotate the seat upto 360°. Simply just push or pull the position adjuster lever. It is advised to not use the forward facing position until the child is at least 9 kgs. Refer to manual for detailed instructions. ISOFIT system- The ISOFIX attachment points are located between the surface and the backrest of the vehicle seat. This system anchors the seat to the vehicle to prevent it from sliding around when not in use. The vehicle's existing seat belt system is used to keep the baby in place.

Key Features : 

  • 360 Degree - The chair rotates 360 degrees in both directions. When turning the chair sideways, it is convenient to insert and remove the child from the car seat
  • Side Protection - Anti-shock side protection for the head
  • Insert - Soft insert cushion
  • ISOFIX - Adjustable to the position
  • Headrest - Adjustable height headrest with side protection
  • Safety - 5-point safety harness and Adjustable backrest
  • Shoulder protectors - Non-slip shoulder protectors and a padded crotch strap
  • Adjustable Belt height - Convenient mechanism for adjusting the belt height. Built-in belt guide
  • Safety Belt- It is always fitted on the seat in the  forward-facing and rearward facing, anti-slip seatbelt
  • Harness - the 3-point safety belt fitted in the car
  • Removable and Washable Cover - Removable cover and washable at 30°C 
  • Dri-Seat - It is a special pad that ensures adequate air circulation, increasing the comfort of your baby during car trips
  • Side Protect - Better head protection by the system, Lumbar insert
  • Safety Standard Test Certification - TUV (TUV-ECE R44/04)

Specifications :

Brand - Moon

Type - Car Seat

Age - 0 to 12 Months

Body Specifications :

Side Protection - Yes

Recline - Yes

3 Position facing - Yes

EN Certified - Yes

Position adjusting lever - Yes

Harness adjusting straps - Yes

Harness buckle - Yes

Shoulder pad - Yes

Technical Specifications :

Product Dimensions - L 42 x B 44 x H 62 cm

Items Included in the Package :

1 Car Seat

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Moon Rover Baby/Infant Car seat of 360 Degree Rotate - Grey   د.إ 450.36 د.إ 891.45 (49.48% خصم)

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أكمل دفعتك الأولى
وأكمل دفعاتك المتبقية خلال 3 أشهر
لماذا اختار تمارا كوسيلة دفع؟
Tamara Cart
بدون فوائد
Tamara Cart
بدون رسوم
Tamara Cart
سهلة وسريعة
(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على هذا المنتج

الحقول الإلزامية (*) مطلوبة ليتم ملؤها.

ملاحظة: الرجاء التأكد من إدخال التفاصيل الصحيحة.

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