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Party Propz Happy Birthday Balloons Decoration Kit Set - Pack of 63
3 Years+, Balloon Dimensions 40.6 cm, Great for small and big events decorations
57.75 في المخزون

Party Propz Happy Birthday Balloons Decoration Kit Set - Pack of 63

Party Propz Happy Birthday Balloons Decoration Kit Set - Pack of 63
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Party Propz Happy Birthday Balloons Decoration Kit Set - Pack of 63

3 Years+, Balloon Dimensions 40.6 cm, Great for small and big events decorations

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Black, Golden and Silver Unique Birthday Decoration Items materials include: 1 set of silver 13Pcs 'Happy Birthday' alphabet foil balloons and 50Pcs Black, golden and Silver Metallic latex balloons for home, office, apartment Decorating. This set is very unique and helps in creating great Photo Booth memories. The letter foil baloons can be filled with helium or air but it cannot float. ANY 16' alphabet ballons cannot float with helium. Metallic ballon can be filled with helium and float. They are 10' in size. These ballons banners and metallic ballon looks really pretty once set up. You can use our different balloon accessories like balloon stand, ballon glue dot, ballon curling ribbons, balloons streamers, printed balloons, balloon pump manual and electric to inflate baloons.These will surely make your decoration stand out. Party Propz Exclusive set of stylish ballon can be combined with our different items like cake decorative, photo booth props, boys birthday sash, explosion box, monthly banners for different years, confetti baloon, swirls hanging decoration, silver fringe foil curtains, blue paper fans, led string lights. This set can be used for different theme like boys birthaday 1st/first, quarantine bday celebration, boys 2nd birthday, boys 3rd birthday, boys 4th birthday, boys 6th birthday, boys 7th birthday, boys 8th birthday, husband 30th bday, husband 40th bday, husband 50th bday, grandfather 60th bday, father's bday, son's birhtday decorations. This stylish and trendy metallica balloon decoration can make your loved ones smile. All the people in the party will definitely adore this beautiful and stylish birthday decoration setup. Create a wonderful Big birthday memories with this birthday ballooons for decoration kit item or gift this to your loved one. FRAME YOUR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!

Key Features:

  • The package includes a 50 piece premium quality metallic finish 9 "inch balloon. The balloon is rigorously tested and made of high quality biodegradable latex and 13 piece set of Happy Birthday Foil Balloon Golden Set
  • Great for small and big events decorations. Use them for parties, birthdays, weddings, holidays and special occasions.
  • Blow them with your mouth, air balloon pump, or helium
  • Place your order now: Why wait until the last moment. Order your party supplies and balloons ahead of the party so that you are ready in advance. Why limit yourself to only one order? Buy as many as you want. Let the party fill up with bright balloons and the frenzied fun they can bring


Brand - Party Propz

Type - Balloons

Age - 3 Years+

Balloon Dimensions - 40.6 cm 

Mettalic Balloon Dimensions - 25.4 cm 

Items included in the pack :

Pack of 63 Happy Birthday Balloons Decoration Kit Set

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Party Propz Happy Birthday Balloons Decoration Kit Set - Pack of 63   د.إ 57.75  

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(1) الشروط و الأحكام تطبّق, (2) موافقة للشريعة الإسلامية ,(3) متوفرة للعملاء في الإمارات لجميع المشتريات بقيمة 99 د.إ فأﻋﻠﻰ, (4) قد تختلف خطة الدفع المقدمة لك تبعًا لتاريخك الائتماني مع تمارا*.,

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